A message from our Chief Explorer.
A fascination for the aspects of retail, in the mid 80’s, originated the dream of ownership.
Learning and developing the skills often led away from retail, to marketing, media, transport and the corporate world and more recently FMCG & hospitality. All the while building and enhancing modern business, creating a lifelong journey of trading whether in person or online.
In the late 90s our first online store was developed, and has continued to grow, for more than quarter of a century. Joining online sales platforms helped grow the business and our own network and offerings, many of whom have remained today.
Moving around the country and a short stint in the UK, has established our culture of research and development. While we look over the fence, we know that buying locally and using local suppliers who may sometimes import products is far more beneficial, and occasionally we import our own stock usly to fill a gap or enhance what we already have.
Welcome to Esdotia, enjoy your visit….